Her Mind Rocks

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

HER MIND ROCKS MAGAZINE is a literary journal featuring young, black, female writers and artists. Our goal is to empower young black women and strengthen the black female voice in both the mainstream and independent markets. 

Simultaneous submissions are permitted. Please notify us immediately if the work has been accepted elsewhere. We accept original, never before published work. 

We cannot run a piece that has already appeared on the web or elsewhere in print. We can, however, publish an original translation if the work has previously appeared in another language. We have no set maximum length or minimum length, though most of our submissions are between 3,000-6,000 words.

Please include a cover letter stating where your work has been published before, if relevant. Please do not submit book manuscripts, academic essays or reviews. Please only submit work written in English.

Please note that we are not in a position to comment on your work. We receive a significant number of submissions every day, many of which may be unsuitable for Her Mind Rocks, however well written.

Return to the Her Mind Rocks website here. .

Artwork must be 2-dimensional, in color or black-and-white, 300 dpi or higher. If applicable, include captions.

Query before sending in book reviews, interviews, and literary criticism. editor@hermindrocks.org

Her Mind Rocks